Thursday, February 20, 2014

I can say that "ordinary existence" has returned as my reality. Between October and sometime in January, some fundamental shift occurred and was noticeable and subjectively observable. And at some point I realized it wasn't the feel of reality anymore.

During it, there was a point I was afraid of "losing it", but realized that was a pointless thought. If I could lose it, then I didn't really have it. When it disappeared, I didn't feel I lost anything, but rather had a very helpful and encouraging experience.

Maybe I can say it was a sort of high. Some may suppose in the language of zen that I had a kensho experience; an initial, temporary enlightenment experience, well short of full enlightenment, but confirmation that the path yields results.

Bottom line is to accept that something happened, but then reality reverts to existence and existence is just reality, and keep practicing. Just keep practicing. By my own description, it felt like a long journey just to get to the shoreline and dip my toes in the ocean. The ocean is the real journey and everything before was just preparation.

So whatever that period was, there is no sitting on laurels thinking I accomplished anything. Now, keep practicing and sitting on cushions. Now, and again, as always, expect things to get worse before they get better.