Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I've been sick in bed the last several days. I woke up on Saturday morning with the start of a sore throat and knew it was going to become el sickie. But since I wasn't really feeling it yet, I decided to go for a ride.

I figured it could go one of two ways, either the ride would tire my body out more and weaken it and make the cold worse, or it would be a psychological stand against getting sick, telling my body I wasn't going to stand for getting sick. You can guess which way it went. My body and I need a better way of communicating with each other.

As soon as I started out, I knew I didn't have it in me to do the ride I was thinking of doing (Pinglin), which would involve a serious climb. I stayed in Taipei and stuck to riverside bikeways.

The cold was getting its groove by the time of Saturday night's gig, which I got through, got paid and immediately left. Since then I've been bed-ridden, except for crawling out to work a part-time shift on Sunday.

It's a really nasty cold, but I've been taking it in stride. I've been watching a lot of movies on cable and DVDs. Sleeping when tired.

Sleeping has been iffy, but without the pressure of work or classes, it hasn't been bothering me. When I try to sleep, I leave the TV on with sleep timer, and having something in the background always gets me to sleep. It was like that during the insomnia, too.

Then I would wake up again not long after the TV would shut off, and I would turn on the TV and the timer again and do it again. And then after several times of doing that, I would manage to sleep for several hours.

But then waking up isn't bothersome because I'm sick, there's nothing I have to do, nowhere to go. No appetite. Although the temperature sensitivity was a bit annoying, varying back and forth from soaking in sweat and being frigidly cold.