Friday, July 27, 2018

There's no one in my life. That's no revelation, but in practical terms that means there was no one in my life to meet up with recently to ask, "oh my god, what's wrong with your leg?" And there was no one to whom I could answer, "I have no idea". One morning I awoke with a considerable pain in my right ankle with no apparent cause that had me limping for two days that had strangers looking at me sympathetically. I didn't care. If there was a cause, maybe I could have taken the sympathy (like when I pulled a muscle going to the airport once and was limping bad enough that an airport worker directed me to an expedited line), but since I couldn't identify a reason for it, I felt the pain didn't deserve any special attention and pretty much ignored it aside from the limp and continued to take stairs instead of elevators whenever I usually would. 

It's totally gone now. It's not like it was injured and healed. It just showed up one day painful enough to be a raison d'limp, and then went away just as suddenly without cause or reason. At no time was I concerned about it aside from its mystery. The incident did make me pay attention to my feet, though, especially since one of those days it hurt, my sneakers felt extra snug indicating my feet were probably swollen for some reason. And indeed, they look swollen even now. They used to have definition like a foot should have but now they look like Taco Bell grilled stuft burritos. mmm, taco bell.