Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Been spending much of my online time with a new Facebook account. Social networking? Fuckall.

I actually had a Facebook account before, but didn't see much point to it, so I deleted it. This time I had a reason, though. Got a few emails from people wanting to add me, then a co-worker was heading back to the U.S. and his main web presence was his Facebook page, and then I saw another local co-worker on her Facebook page, so I created another one. Now it's a fast-fading obsession.

Got bombarded by people who I never wanted to hear from again to add as friends, and I did just to be polite, and to prove I'm not the bitter prick that I really am. And then again I hunted down a few people and was glad to touch base with them. The high school people I'm the most what-the-fuck about. No one from college is coming near me. Fuckers. And then a random assortment of people I've run into over the years, or current acquaintances. It's a safe space, unlike this blog, which is toxic and I don't want to know who knows about it. Except for Luyen who was pretty straightforward about finding it. Although I'm not ruling out participating in blog-stalker outing day, whenever that is.

My friggin' brother even emailed about my Facebook presence, and I'm hoping my non-response will be a sufficient answer. Both my brother and sister-in-law have sent me emails since I came back to Taiwan to which I haven't replied. My other brother's birthday just passed and I didn't send him an email. This is supposed to mean something, yo'.

Insomnia is still in my news. Let's see, so I had Saturday off, so after work on Friday I took a sleeping pill, expecting nothing to come out of Saturday, and yea, Saturday was a total wash. I slept nine hours, on a Target brand sleeping pill that expired in 2005, and then some. Was groggy for the rest of the time. Then without a sleeping pill on Saturday night I slept another 9 hours+ and stumbled my way through a full-time shift at work on Sunday. Then Sunday night I couldn't sleep at all and immediately went into twilight sleep, emerging well enough 10 hours later and got through a part-time shift no problem.

Serious lower back ache, perhaps from the sleeping pills. It's that more than anything else that reminds me something's gotta give.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1:22 p.m. - My desk at home. At least it'll be curious to me to see this years from now.