Friday, August 24, 2012

My day to days are simply getting from day to day. Can't say I'm particularly happy, but certainly not unhappy. I have nothing to complain about, but I do sometimes and then I stop myself.

I don't feel particularly desirous for anything, but I'm aware of my human nature, which by nature has the concept of desire in the mix. I'm at a measure of peace with myself, but I still grapple with my negativity, staring it down as an improper and unworthy way to be in this world.

I've never been one to bore easily, it's quite easy for me to amuse myself uselessly, but my day to day has taken it to epic levels. I'm wasting my life away in epic fashion (but aren't many people similarly wasting their lives away? . . . only much more busy, filled with things they do to give their lives meaning, but ultimately may be vain and fruitless).

Over the past recent years, I've lost most interest in all of the things I used to do that identified me. And at about the same time I've developed this "thing", this resonance over Korea. It's internal and not something to act on. I'm not going to start taking language classes or traveling to Korea or trying to meet Korean people. Not even re-connecting with the Korean people in my past. I'm not idealizing Korea, I'm fully aware of the faults of Korean society.

But a thought occurred to me that I totally don't believe in, but I'm gonna float it out anyway. With this whole unsuccessful suicide thing looking to becoming the story of my life (even though I feel suicide is my goal and purpose in life as a culmination of my understanding), I had this bizarre thought that on some plane of existence, in some imaginal or psychic realm, I have died and this psychic part of me is continuing on despite my not having died yet.

That psychic part of me got fed up with me blithering on about suicide, and finally said, "You keep being undecided about your physical self that you're obviously so attached to, I'm moving on". And there went all the things I used to enjoy, the things I used to do that identified me. Died.

And as I seem to have this idea that my next life will actually be in South Korea, in this imaginal, maybe mystic realm, my current consciousness has become very sensitive towards imprints and stimuli of South Korean culture.

If I had actually gone through with it and was re-born in South Korea, I'd be experiencing the real deal with no need for psychic or mystic realms. But since I'm not there physically, my current consciousness is responding to stimuli and imprints of where I should be. 

I have no theoretical mechanics to offer to even try to explain this. Karma, or the same metaphysical substrate that might theoretically carry karma, may be involved. Maybe a sort of "reverse karma". When I do die and if I end up in Korea next, actual karma and this reverse karma just meld, and what is disjunct now come together.

As weird as that is even for me, the universe is a very weird place. The further scientific exploration takes our understanding, the weirder things get. So why not?