Monday, October 13, 2014

My body needs a better means of communication with my brain. Today was an absolute ride or gym day, but neither was happening. Sleep has been alright for the past several days, so no disruption there.

I am a baseball fan, so I did turn on the National League series live after waking up and morning regulars, including sitting. But the communications going on between body and brain regarding getting out for a ride or to the gym afterwards were just ridiculous.

The bottom line being the body has a bit of a cold, sniffle and sneezing, which is a legitimate reason for calling off physical activity, but then my body needs to communicate that clearly to my brain. Not all this waffling through the afternoon about it.

Ultimately I didn't get out at all today. Fine. I was sick. Tomorrow, no excuse. If I'm sick, it's not that bad. Ride or gym or just get out.