Saturday, November 28, 2015

I don't remember exactly when I stopped carrying my ID with me even though I know it's illegal to not have it with me. If I were to die outside my apartment there would be no identifying me. I presume I'd get sent to a morgue and there would be no one to contact. There's no one who would notice me missing so I'd just be an unclaimed body. I guess maybe after a while the morgue would have to dispose of my body after taking pictures and fingerprints, maybe an autopsy, but then I'd have to be cremated and stored.

The first person to notice me missing would be my landlord and he wouldn't get suspicious for, I estimate, two or three months of missed rent payments. He is my cousin's uncle and I've never been a problem paying rent. He'd give some leeway, but then he'd notice something wrong. He might call my cousin, not concerned about the rent necessarily, but to alert her of the unusual circumstance and to ask if she knew if I was alright. She wouldn't and then she would call her father, who would then call my mother. 

I don't know what would happen then. In time it would become clear no one knows where I am and no one can get in touch with me. I don't know how far down the line it would occur to someone to "check the morgues" or if that even happens in Taiwan. My body would long be gone, but if they keep records, and I don't know that they do, maybe the mystery would come to light.

I'm still contemplating what I think of my computer. If my disappearance is a mystery, my computer is the first thing that will be looked at and it's probably not that difficult to find this blog.

However, it is statistically unlikely that I'll die outside of my apartment. I only spend about four hours a day out, and whenever I start feeling bad my impulse is to get back home. So unless I get hit by a bus while on my bike or if I have a medical decline too fast to get back home, then it'll be here where the first indication of my demise will be the stench that my neighbors will have to deal with.