Thursday, June 29, 2017

I ate very little today, so no puking. That's not to say there wasn't queasiness after the little I did eat. I guess I didn't eat quite enough to puke. I did end up feeling unpleasantly hungry later after I got home; a rare display of appetite. That doesn't mean I could have eaten much, nor that I wouldn't have felt sick afterwards.

I slept a solid five hours mainly possibly probably because I turned off the lights way past my usual bedtime. I'll still chalk that up as no insomnia since I woke up not feeling fucked up.

I did get out today, trying to get back to my routine, but no attempt at exercise. Still considering giving that up completely.

Drinking may have declined these past few days, only because I have to; only because my body can't take it anymore. That is to say I'm not quite able to drink the usual almost a bottle a day.