Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I'm toying with the idea of doing a week of pure confessional. No cryptic shit. No intellectualizing. Just the honest truth of what I'm doing, thinking, and feeling. How much more boring and trying than usual would that be? Left-turn shit, but it's my weblog and my expression and I can do whatever I want. We all can.

But it's April, and for some psychic reason Aprils are always hard for me to get through. I thought this year would be different, just by not believing in it. But not only is this year no different, this year is the first year that the start of Daylight Savings had absolutely no positive, mitigating effect. No "shit is spiraling out of control again, but at least there's more sunlight each day". This year I just haven't given a rat's ass.

I don't know how far I want to take this, I'll probably be out of the mood of doing this by tonight.

But so far, I haven't seen anyone this month. More than half of the days I haven't even gotten out of the apartment. I've tried going on some bike rides, but hills are killing me, and hills are the only thing I'm good at. My computer caught a virus which has been annoying and I just don't want to bother so I keep the computer off. And I'm getting over being sick for the past few days.

Yea, sick. I don't want to get into that just yet. Light-headed, dizzy, loss of equilibrium/balance, light nausea, low electrolytes, feeling bleah. It's my own doing, so this is no pity parade plea (save it for the computer virus). In fact, in the midst of feeling like shit, I'm wondering if I'm actually enjoying this (definitely enjoying it more than the computer virus). Through this all I'm maintaining my sitting regimen as best as I can, since that is the only thing that is real this month.

Northern Exposure Quote of the Day:
Joel: Holy cow!
Holling: It's changed, isn't it?
Joel: Changed? Holling, that doesn't even begin to describe this. I mean, this is, this is...
Pink! Careful you don't bump into those little glass unicorns.
Joel: Wow, Holling, Holling. I gotta tell you, I mean, this would bind
me up. It would totally tie me up, my colon would be tied in knots. I mean...no man could move his bowels in here!