Thursday, February 17, 2005

So today was the day that I was supposed to, by my own theory, thank my mother and show her gratitude. I didn't.

In fact, she insists on continuing to test my practice by offending me with her ignorance about me and my life, and meddling into what she cannot meddle and controlling what she cannot control.

She thinks my life is a rubber band and we're having a tug of war with it. Why do I even bother? I should just let go of it and let it smack her in the face. If she wants it, she can have it. Just don't expect me to live it.

There is a lot I'm grateful for, and every day I consider as many things as possible that I'm grateful for, including the air I have to breathe, the food I have to eat, and the health to breathe, eat, and walk.

And with much thought and certain caveats, I can even say that I'm grateful for existence. But it is without contradiction that I can say that I'm not grateful for the fact of my birth.