Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I've taken to sleeping on the floor like Adrienne Shelly in the movie Trust. Why? Because I'm hardcore, dude! No, I'm not sure why. Actually, I remember in my last few weeks in San Francisco, I also stopped sleeping in my bed. So I think this is a pattern, and I think it means something, yo.

Truth to tell, sleeping on the floor at my parents' house is still hella more comfortable than where many Katrina victims are sleeping.

I ordered a scanner. I figure that gives me until it is delivered to decide whether I really want and "need" it, and if I don't I can just send it back. You know the financial ice I'm standing on? I just poured a bucket of hot water onto it.

I'm still a mouse click away from taking an online TEFL course. There's no more deliberation involved, and I might as well do this. The same old motivation and moving forward issues prevent.

You know how I set up my drums last week? Today I put my road bike back into commission. Falling back into same old habits, same old patterns. I will need to ask myself shortly what has changed. I realize that wherever I go next, drums or bikes don't come with me, though. I'm just making the most of the luxuries I have here.