Sunday, July 29, 2007

Philadelphia, PA

I'm in Philadelphia now, visiting my other brother, who has a daughter one month older than Tessa. Sarah Rebecca may not be as immediately and aggressively adorable, but she's got a special something. And even though adorable is hard to beat, I might end up liking Sarah Rebecca more! You smile at Sarah Rebecca and she smiles back with great sincerity. I'm predicting whatever she does, she'll be the real deal. Whatever. Children, it's all about the love. As long as they're not mine!

Nikon N70, Kodak BW400CN. Again, I'm not sure if anything about the shooting itself prompted me to leave the roll half shot in New Jersey when I left the N70 behind. It's possible I planned to leave the N70 and just ran out of time to finish the roll (which doesn't explain why the roll is still incomplete after I finished shooting it in January 2008).

FRIDAY, JULY 27 - Tuggin' da Hudson.
Little Grey Lighthouse and the Great Grey Bridge. Interesting how shooting the lighthouse in black and white makes you see the details of the actual lighthouse and not just that it's RED.
I rode my Cannondale mountain bike down Manhattan's west side waterfront, a lot of which is getting covered with bike paths.
You probably never heard a New Yorker waxing poetic about the New Jersey skyline across the Hudson River.
Boats on the river like ducks on water.
12th Ave. at 130th St.

10:47 a.m. - But is it art? I'm wondering if that tug in the background is the same as in the first pic. Whoops, I just brought attention again to my black and whites all being flipped. And digi again providing a general timestamp for the film.
SATURDAY, JULY 28 - I don't consciously intend to shoot this scene EVERY time I go to Philadelphia. It's just I head out and it's the most obvious thing to see and shoot.
3:47 p.m. - Sarah Rebecca.
4:20 p.m. - Christopher is a great kid. He was full of beans this time. All of these shots of the kids are just one of a series. I just don't believe in photo dumping multiple shots of basically the same thing/scene unless that's the specific point (and then it's not a dump, but a series).