Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Sleep went back to normal exactly one week ago. Every night since has been considered "good". I'm recording this as data to see if insomnia comes and goes in spells and bouts. A good night includes waking up multiple times before my goal (9 a.m. alarm) but being able to fall back to sleep. I also mention as significant that evening fatigue regularly set in, sometimes requiring short naps.

It's now July. The last ride I went on was on April 28. It pretty much rained ALL OF MAY. And then surprisingly it rained ALL OF JUNE. It's raining today.

I could probably count on one hand the number of days that were forecast not to rain and didn't rain. Not enough to establish a pattern of riding. I think I mentioned it's not worth it to get out on a one non-rainy day when thunderstorms are forecast for the next five days.

And that's why I joined World Gym on May 19. I was expecting, with my luck, that I would sign up for the gym, a two-year commitment, and then the sun would come right out. Not so.

The gym has been great. Relatively speaking; my calves are still giving me problems. I'm careful to avoid a major pull, but whenever I try to push them, they get to that point where if I keep going, it will pull and I have to ease off.

Only a few times have I managed slow 30 minute jogs, 3 miles/10 min. miles, before coming close to injury. Then I would try breaking it up and jogging 3 single miles separately, each at about 12 min. miles and just trying not to injure the calf. In fear of making the cow mad.

(Why do they call it PMS? Because "mad cow disease" was already taken)

Otherwise, I fulfill cardio on the elliptical, and do a 30-min. workout where my heartrate gets to where it does when I'm running, which is above 160 bpm. Basically go as hard as I can at any given point while gauging how much more I have to go.

I also do weights and I'm recalling all the way back to high school track how to use the machines. I haven't been in a weight room since then, and I'm surprised I still remember the basics. We didn't do weights often, only when it was raining too hard to run outside, and I don't remember really liking it. I think I would have preferred to go home rather than do weights.

I was a hurdler on high school track, 110 and 400 meter. I think I was sometimes included in 400 meter relays (4x100m), second or third runner (the slow legs), never lead or anchor, but the coach thought it was odd that I could do hurdles faster than outright sprints. Coach Krauthamer droned, "Mr. Li, your 110 hurdles time is faster than your 100 meters". Hurdles it was!

There are also punching bags, and I might get to applying college Tae Kwon Do on them if it's not too embarrassing.