Thursday, March 30, 2017

SHIN SPLINTS!! I took almost three weeks off and that was probably a very bad idea. It was primarily because of weather and mood, as well as the lame excuse of deliberately downgrading my fitness in order to force myself to go slow (stupid!). I should have maintained discipline and gotten out for jogs.

When I did go out again, I cut the initial 4 mile slow jog short at 3 miles because I knew I was suffering. I decided to do a week of slow 3-milers, but it was all downhill.

I knew there was likely an underlying issue regarding the fact that I haven't been able to eat enough and not getting required nutrition for any sort of exercise. Not being able to eat itself doesn't bother me as much as it did a few years ago, but calories and nutrition aren't negotiable when it comes to exertion. I may not care, but physiology does.

I did try eating some fruit after one jog, but ended up going catatonic as has become pattern when I try to eat more than once a day. And once coming home from a jog limping for no apparent reason and then being afflicted by multiple excruciating cramps in my feet and toes was an indication of things going wrong.

When the shin splints became apparent, it wasn't just a mild "uh-oh" warning of pain and to watch it, but full-on "Hi, let me introduce myself, I'm Shin Splints" (apparently Korean since last name comes first). Both legs and obviously shin splints, practically screaming to stay off for at least a week.

On the other hand, the planned forced week off coincides with weather getting better for cycling. So the conflict will become if I can get off my lazy ass and get my bike prepped and suited up for preliminary fitness rides. To be sure, it's a conflict of laziness.