Thursday, February 28, 2002

A.M. e-mail hilarity: (NB: "E" sits two cubes away from me)
K: Who the hell is Tom Morrison? I'll definitely try to make it if I can't get into Modest Mouse, if for no other reason, just to hang out with you guys.
E: hanging out with us, isn't that reason enough??! i'll buy you a cape cod and bring my girl scout cookies. i think tobin is trying to make a joke, he's tom morrison. his jokes are obscure at times.
K: But who is the real Tom Morrison? Who is he referring as to being?
E: hmmm you should email tobin and ask him....?!
K: I'm not hip, cool Asian enough for social intercourse with Tobin.
E: hahaha neither am i really...... we are BAL lamers.....
K: Get working on guitar, we'll form a band with Jenny and Brian and call ourselves the Lamers. To counteract the difference in experience, I'll play drums left handed.
E: if I gave you an orange would you eat it?
K: OMG, I think I just attained enlightenment!!
E: i'm being serious, it's a literal question.

Joycee factoid of the day: Leaving work at 1:30 for Rx appt.