Thursday, June 19, 2014

insomnia diaries

Yesterday I erroneously, optimistically thought I was in the clear regarding this latest bout of insomnia and it was over. I got a solid seven hours of sleep and was mostly fine afterwards with just hints of zombification. Per personal policy, I didn't think or worry about it and went through my day including going to the gym.

Then last night I got smacked by a nasty, back-end insomnia. Slept from 2 to 4, and then from 4 to 7:30 was in a twilight state, fading in and out, getting up occasionally to reset the fan timer or start up music again. At 7:30 I put on one of my mix CDs and listened to the whole thing lying in bed and got out of bed afterwards, as it was close to 9. Considered sitting, but ultimately cancelled.

What I was being optimistic about was that the insomnia from the weekend was a one-off, rather than a spell. One-offs happen and don't have any lasting effect. Spells are prolonged periods and are what fuck chronic insomniacs up.

Per policy, my attitude for the day is to totally ignore any effects. If I get tired and have to crash, it's because I'm tired and have to nap. No harping about being exhausted or zombified. Even gym, but I'll intend to go easy since exertion in a fatigued state probably contributes to injury.