Wednesday, January 08, 2003

I left work listless and directionless as I often do.

I decided to ride down Market to Streetlight Records in the Castro, and to see if the Castro Tower Records had the issue of Pulse Magazine with the Peter Gabriel cover story. They didn't. Will have to go to the Stonestown Tower to get a copy and hope they still have it.

As I rode in the cool evening air, I imagined holes going all the way through my head, front to back, and the wind blowing through, clearing away the negative . . . stuff. stufF stuFF stUFF sTUFF STUFF. I do shit like that. It actually works.

Resonant Quotes:
"To me, those two areas, psychology - I'd say more than psychiatry - and religion or spirituality, have gone hand in hand. In a sense, they're both searches for truth, whether inner or outer. But once religion gets into it and you use organizations to interpret things, for my taste, you start running into a lot of problems and you can lose the truth." - Peter Gabriel, Pulse Magazine, Oct. 2002

"Those who have known death from close up and survived turn into Eurydices: they know that something in them recalls death too clearly and that it is best not to look at it in the face. Like a terrier, like a room with closed curtains, like solitude, death is both horrible and seductive. We feel we might be happy there. All we have to do is let ourselves fall into hibernation. So compelling is Eurydice that sometimes we forget why we should resist her." - The Character of Rain by Amelie Nothomb, pp. 39-40.

"Did I feel disappointed that I was still alive? Yes. Was I also glad to have been taken from the waters in time? Yes. I had chosen indifference. At bottom, it was all the same to me, being alive or being dead. It was only a question of time." - ibid., p. 131.