Thursday, May 19, 2005

I had a rubber stamp made out saying “OBSTACLE”. Now when I encounter difficulties or doubts on the path, I just pull out the rubber stamp and stamp them as obstacles, and know that they are not real and I can just move on. It’s like going for a run in the woods, when you come across a log or a rock blocking the path. You assess the obstacle, find your way around it, and continue on. 

So if I have difficulty with a person and it bothers me, I take out my rubber stamp and stamp “OBSTACLE” on his forehead and continue on. Sometimes I’ll have difficulty with a person or an issue, and it will produce negative thoughts and thinking in my head, at which point I’ll stamp “OBSTACLE” on his forehead and my own, and continue on. 

It works well with the littlest thing, like someone not cleaning up properly, or missing a responsibility, or when the schedule changes. As for bigger things, of course, sometimes when you’re out for a run in the woods, you come across a boulder that you can’t find your way around. But I think if you come across a boulder you can’t get past, you are no longer on the path, and you should turn around and find your way back to the path.
WordsCharactersReading time