Saturday, April 01, 2006

I went to Xinyi District, passing Taipei 101, to Elephant Mountain, a popular hiking range accessible from urban Taipei. Apparently it's a range called the Four Beasts with four distinct peaks named for four animals. I don't see them, I just see one range of mountains. There's also tiger, and I think monkey is one of them but I forget the fourth. Cockroach? Would be appropriate for Taiwan, but not exactly the Chinese (culture) thing to include in that group. (elephant, lion, leopard, tiger; none of which are indigenous to Taiwan -ed.)

It's a good, modest, medium hike for urbanites. Many would find it challenging but not impossible, more fit folks would say it's easy but could make up for it by going farther into the range and call it fun.

Pentax ZX-5n, Ilford XP2 Super:
Taipei 101 from south of Xinyi Rd.

just starting the hike up Elephant Mt.

unknown makeshift structure. made me wonder what life was like in poorer days when squatting was likely a reality for some.
lookout/rest station. the guy was stretching, a more fit folk, and considerately hoping to stay out of my frame. so I had to include him.
raw scan. unidentified temple.

actually there are a bunch of temples up there
3:48 p.m. - a typical tourist shot from Elephant Mt.
3:57 p.m.
4:30 p.m. - I would only be guessing at what type of temples these are. Fair to just say "local", possibly Taoist.
4:36 p.m. - friendly local
5:09 p.m. - back on the ground