Friday, June 12, 2009

Diary of an insomniac

Yesterday wasn't bad. I got a good 6 hours of continuous sleep and then languished in a twilight for another couple hours. It didn't help at work, though, since the effects of sleep deprivation are cumulative and I still crashed in the late hours of work.

Then today, technically yesterday now, I got about the same. Very good sign. And work was decent. No fading out.

But let me just say hiccups just started, let's see how long they last.

And let's review: Insomnia – valid excuse to commit suicide for those predisposed to commit suicide. Persistent hiccups – valid excuse to commit suicide. Loser who has hiccups and can't get enough sleep – mandate to commit suicide.

THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1:04 a.m. - Just a chicken outside a bar in the wee hours of morning.