Monday, April 15, 2002

Another Monday morning, another week. Each week is Groundhog Day. Each lifetime is Groundhog Day until we get it right. And in my book, short lifetimes are better than long lifetimes.

Madoka finally e-mailed this weekend. She was in Southeast Asia longer than I expected. I expected her to be back in Tokyo a month ago. She got my letter (remember what those are?).

E: who is madoka?
K: Madoka=best friend from college. I think my relationship with her goes back lifetimes. I’m supposed to be in love with her, and I am in love with her, I’m just . . . not.

Something from said past lifetime(s) prevents. It's complicated.

Spontaneous Jen mix:
- Offline P.K. (Pinback)
- The Plan (Built to Spill)
- Start Together (Sleater-Kinney)
- LT Tour Theme (Le Tigre)
- History Lessons (764-HERO)
- Raining (Versus)
- Working for Vacation (Cibo Matto)
- Never-Ending Math Equation (Modest Mouse)
- Cashout (Fugazi)
- Science vs. Romance (Rilo Kiley)
- Within the Quilt of Demand (Shannon Wright)
- My Adidas (Versus)
- Deceptacon (Le Tigre)
- Heart Cooks Brain (Modest Mouse)
- Heartbreak Even (Ani DiFranco)
- Photographic Evidence (764-HERO)
- Underdogs of Nipomo (Archers of Loaf)
- Sidewalk (Built to Spill)
- Things You Say (Sleater-Kinney)
- Friendship Station (Le Tigre)
- Scientist Studies (Death Cab for Cutie)

current soundtrack: Katie's Mix