Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Wow, I've gotten more work done this morning than on any morning in the past two weeks!! Possible reasons:

1. I'm clamping down and focusing out of necessity;
2. I'm blasting music through headphones, and that: a) keeps me tethered to the speakers (i.e., at my desk); b) forces anyone wanting to chat to make an effort to get my attention; and c) helps me focus by shutting out other aural distractions.
3. I woke up at 5:00 and couldn't go back to sleep so I had three shots of whiskey while finishing the packaging for Jen's mix before leaving for work;
4. Blogging is losing its obsessive novelty, so that isn't as distracting anymore;
5. I'm trying out a new strategy of swamping Ms. Case Manager with work to review, although that would be more effective if I told Eric and Joycee to do it, too, as I was planning to, but haven't yet.
6. I'm tired of staying late after work to finish in 2 hours, what I should have been working on over eight.

I'm kinda thinking it's #3, but of course I would, but shouldn't use my productivity to justify doing that on a regular basis, because that would elevate me from being "alcoholic" to "alcoholic with a problem". There's a difference. Really.

Joycee factoid of the day: Called me unfashionably fashionable for wearing a mandarin-collared corduroy shirt.