Sunday, October 06, 2002

what a gorgeous day!:
Hell, it was a gorgeous weekend, but I didn't get out of my apartment at all yesterday except to clean out the front hubs on my bike. I've had a low-grade cold since Tuesday, and I don't know about you, but in the last throes of my colds, they flare up one last time. That was yesterday and I knew it was almost gone, but too weak and blah to get out of the apartment.

Today I woke up bright and chipper, hocked and hacked up and blew out the last bits of the cold (felt like Dizzy Gillespie), and went on an easy 30-mile S.F. perimeter recovery ride. Spent 30 minutes lying on a concrete wall at Ocean Beach, just breathing (through more or less unclogged nasal passages!).

At Jamba Juice, I saw a mother playing with her baby daughter. It was incredibly cute. The daughter was delighting in playing with mom's face and mom responded in kind, delighting the baby even more. Such a happy smile. There's no way this baby will remember this far in the future, but it's the kind of thing that I think contributes to shaping a child's personality.

Little things, little moments that add up and subtract, reinforce and cancel elements in a personality that we have no idea about. A smile on a baby is so pure, so sincere, you can't fake something like that.