Friday, November 08, 2002

I'm nervous about getting a new passport in time. The government website is vague in telling whether by going in person to the passport agency on the 15th, I will have a renewed passport by the time I leave on the 21st. But I have to relax, trust, and believe that it'll turn out alright.

I've had this whelming feeling of relief (not enough to be overwhelming) that I didn't go, like my original planned trip was all wrong. Just an unfounded intuitive dread of what would have happened if I had gone.

The path not taken. But as a result, the fabric of my current reality feels weird, fragile, transparent. Like because of this, the "wall" between illusory physical reality and actual Reality has thinned. And if I look hard enough I can see through it.

It's probably just my mind. One of these days physical reality will assert itself as Reality, and everything about me will fall apart and melt away and be torn down and I'll get committed. Nice. I can't wait.