Thursday, November 28, 2002

Madoka, I thought, was a person I would take a bullet for. But 10 more seconds of thought made me realize I wouldn't. I thought of how she would feel if I took a bullet for her, and I realized I couldn't do that to her.

There are plenty of people special enough to take a bullet for. How special does a person have to be to not take a bullet for? After I related all this to her, she said, "I would also not take a bullet for you". I appreciated that, but probably not for the same reason she said it. I don't think this is accurately conveying what an exceptional human being she is.

"Oh, tell me
Tell me you'll dance with me
Turn me around tonight
Up thru spiral staircase to the higher ground"
"Promenade" - U2

You can welcome me back anytime now. I need to take a nap. Get a haircut. E-mail Madoka and let her know Sadie picked me up and I got home just fine.

November 28, 2002; 12:46 P.M. - On the way to the airport.

I asked Madoka why she thought we might have been twins in a past life. She responded because we think so much alike. Oh yea, that, how could I forget that? I think I noticed it before she did.

We went to college together, but we really didn't hang out until after I graduated and was spending time in Osaka, and she was home in Kobe for the Summer.

There were times when we would be hanging out with other people, and I would say something and no one would know what I meant. When they asked what I meant, Madoka would chime in and explain exactly what I meant, and it never ceased to amaze me how precisely she explained what I meant.

I don't know how to describe it – we speak the same language, we're of the same mind? I know I don't know anyone like Madoka. I don't know if she can do the same thing with other people, she might just be really good at empathizing and understanding what other people intend to communicate.

As for me, that Summer marked Madoka as someone exceptionally special. Our subsequent meetings through the years only confirmed that she is exceptional and increased the love and adoration I have for her that I just can't describe or pinpoint.