Monday, October 24, 2005

Gah! I got tagged to confess my idiosyncrasies. I realize upon calling up my own idiosyncrasies that it is funner to read about other people's, but here goes. My personal definition of an idiosyncrasy is a repeated or patterned action or personality trait, almost ritual, that makes other people go, "OK, that's weird, dude".

  • There are times when I get concerned about getting too comfortable in a situation and intentionally subvert my comfort by doing things like sleeping on the floor or not dressing warmly enough for the weather.

  • I make arcane little rules for myself like if I eat meat on one day, I can't order meat the following day if eating out. I can eat meat anytime if someone else orders it or serves it, but if I had eaten meat the day before, I can't order it myself. If I don't eat meat on one day, on the following day, and only the following day, I can order meat.

  • I often make decisions, even big ones (especially big ones) based on other factors that are not in my control (if this happens, I'll do this, but if that happens, I'll do that). I call it "leaving it to fate".

  • I'm a shameless archivist of my own life with 6 online journals for different things (although not all active), including one that goes back to 1989.

  • When eating, if I have a bunch of stuff on my plate or bowl, I will eat each item separately and finish it before moving on. A monk noticed that and thought it was weird ("Do you always do that?")

  • I go to sleep listening to chanting by the Gyuto monks, they chant in ultra low voices and can resonate upper harmonics so it sounds like they're hitting more than one note.

  • I'm a musician, but I don't like people listening to me play or practice, and I'll stop if I realize someone can hear me.

  • I carry three cameras if I go out thinking there will be a photo op – black and white SLR for "serious" photography, fisheye lomo for artsy tricked out shots, and digital point and shoot for the quickie. If I leave a camera behind for non-practical reasons, it's a huge decision.

  • When I'm looking for something while driving, I will start reading every sign that comes into sight.

  • I thank my car whenever it gets me through a long-distance drive.