Sunday, June 11, 2006

Yesterday I went to the Saturday international group practice session at Dharma Drum Mountain Monastery practice center in Xin Beitou. It's a 3-hour session of sitting, light exercise, walking, and discussion.

I stopped going in March or April when I started feeling my language studies were too hard to fit in the time to go. I'm hoping with my switch to non-intensive classes, I'll have the time to go.

When I first got there yesterday, I didn't want to go. Part of me wanted to bag it and head home. I was going just for the sake of going. There has been nothing resonant about this practice group – the people or the practice – I was going just because it's the only practice group I know of.

And there was nothing resonant about it yesterday, either. It was just familiar since I'd been there before and knew the routine. The coordinator (non-monastic) of the international group is a spaz, but he's good practice for me to not be annoyed. I need a lot of practice in that. I wish he'd shut up when other people are talking. Oops.

Afterwards, though, I felt that glow of feeling peaceful and relaxed, and recognized that it had done some good. As I walked down the hill, there was even a break in the clouds, and for a moment I saw the sun for the first time, literally, since Kaohsiung. That was almost two weeks ago. Taipei weather sucks monkey balls dry.

I think I will continue to try going to the Saturday sessions, even though my home solo practice has been more influenced by Tibetan stuff. Zen is still comfortable, and at the heart of the teachings, there really is no difference. I still think practitioners of either school who look down on the other school are not doing themselves any favors.

June 10, 5:52 p.m. - MRT tracks