Monday, May 18, 2009

I say Summer finally officially got here on Friday. That was one long Spring for Taipei. Electric fan has already come on and will be on all the live-long day in Summer months. Aircon has yet to come on. I'm actually very tolerant of heat and I don't like the feel of air conditioning. Well, when it's really hot, cool air obviously feels really nice, but I don't like the "artificial" feel to air conditioning. I like natural air. And the electricity consumption doesn't feel good and I don't even directly pay for electricity.

Cold showers. Taipei is pretty cold in Winters, and until Summer hits cold showers are pretty unimaginable, but when Summer arrives cold showers are our best friend. No more long pants. I can't believe I wore long pants way into May this year. One thing to love about Taiwan is that it has embraced capris for men (called 3/4 pants), which makes so much more sense than friggin' Thailand where they insanely insist on wearing long pants even in Summer heat, and it's even hotter there. After two days I still haven't packed away my comforter, but I suppose that will happen pretty soon if it becomes certain that Summer is here. I've been sleeping on top of my covers for most part.

And, of course, lighter Summer shirts.

And lighter iPods.

I bought a 3rd gen. iPod Shuffle today. I know. Decadent. Maybe I was rewarding myself for two nights of what I nominally consider full nights of sleep. Yay me. Or not. I'm not sure I'm in the clear with the insomnia but the last two nights were promising. At best.

The Shuffle rules, though. It's nice to have my entire music collection on my 80GB iPod, but the way I listen to music I only need the Shuffle from day to day. The size is perfect because with carrying a bunch of cameras around, too, the 80GB can be cumbersome. And with over 13,000 songs in my collection and constantly adding more, the voiceover feature is nice to tell me what song is playing if I don't know it. It's really cute because I have Japanese songs in my collection and the voiceover announces them in a female voice. wtf? I'm curious to find what the voice is for Korean pop songs.
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