Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Here is a very long quiz I stole from . . . I don't know her name . . . because I am bored.

1. what facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: Eyes. Boring, but true.
2. would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: Sure, perhaps even just on principle.
3. would you marry for money?: Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. I say, I say, I say . . . hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
4. have you had braces?: No. What the . . . ?
5. do you pluck your eyebrows?: No.
6. do you ever cut or hurt yourself?: You don't?
7. when was the last time you had a hickey?: Oh my god! It's been years and years and years and years.
8. could you live without a computer?: Am I living with a computer?
9. do you use icq, aol buddy list, etc.?: No.
10. if so, how many people are on your lists?: About five.
11. if you could live in any past time period, which would it be?: Who says I haven't?
12. do you drink enough water?: Probably.
13. do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: Take them off. Who wears shoes in their house?
14. what is your favorite fruit?: Mm, strawberries, the flavor of *happiness*!
15. do you eat wheat bread or white?: Wheat, always. Anything but white bread. I went to school in Ohio. I don't do white bread.
16. what is your favorite place to visit?: Friends' apartments. Just gotta go find me some friends.
17. what is the last movie you saw?: Monsoon Wedding
18. do you kiss on the first date?: Dates? I don't believe in dates. If you're attracted to someone, you get to know them. If you continue to be attracted, you become friends. If you're good enough friends and remain attracted, you hang out a lot. If you hang out a lot and you're mutually attracted to each other, eventually you find yourself in a compromising position where you're kissing this "friend" and wondering what the hell is going on. Then you find out that they feel the same way. You live happily ever after. The end. Or in the alternative, you start going out, blow everything to hell, and never see them again. Fuck!
19. are you photogenic?: Only when the camera is way out of focus.
20. do you dream in color or black and white?: Color, always.
21. are you wearing fingernail polish?: No
22. is it chipped or fresh?: Fresh.
23. do you have any dimples?: Nope.
24. do you remember being born?: Of course not. Stupid.
25. why do you take surveys?: Because they simplify complicated personalities and allow insight into the true self. How else would I know I'm Daria, Kate who was struck with an axe, Asteroids, that I will take my own life, that my ominosity quotient is five, that I think of myself as being happy, tropical, bright, and citrusy, that others think of me as being furry, warm, funny, and independent, that my relationships can be described as huge, ominous, mysterious, and inviting, that when stressed, I feel free, that I am calm, laid-back, and optimistic, able to see everyone's point of view and have a natural desire for peace, and that I'm an effective mediator, and fearful of conflict and separation from others, I can be too accomodating, that I'm Hoshi Sato, that I'm T'Pol, that I'm the Outsider high school stereotype, that my Inner Child is *The Toymaker*, and that I'm Sailor Neptune. It's all so clear now!
26. do you drink alcohol?: I enjoy a snifter of brandy at Christmas time.
27. did you like or hate high school?: I was too busy fantasizing about my sad demise to hate or like high school.
28. what is the most beautiful language?: French, Japanese, Bengali, Esperanto, Love, Humanity, whatever.
30. do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Sunsets.
32. do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?: No. It sounds like a total pain in the ass and makes really no sense. Even though they do it.
33. do you like salty food or sugary food the most?: Salty food, sugary dessert. Mmmm, in America, first to get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women. The strong must protect the sweet. The sweeeeeet.
35. do you or have you played with a ouija board?: Yea, I think it was with Amanda Sorvino. Freaky.
36. are you loyal?: Extremely
37. are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: For most part. Not fanatics. Unless it's World Cup fanatics. Then I strangely understand.
38. when you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: Off.
39. do you believe in magic?: Magic. Maggie and Jack. Go watch the movie "Hook".
40. do you have nightmares frequently?: Yea. I call it life.
41. do you like your nose?: No.
43. do you think you can draw well?: Not to save my life.
44. do you listen to music daily?: Oh yes.
45. do you like to watch cartoons?: I do.
46. at what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? Wait a second, what are you suggesting?
47. how many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: one gay guy.
48. do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: Same shoes, with an occasional change to break the monotony.

Age: 33, I admit it now considering I don't want to live past 34.
Age you feel: 26 and 68 simultaneously.
3 words to describe you: not quite here
3 words to describe how you look: E for 'effort'
What are your guilty pleasures?: I am guilty of nothing but being beautiful.
What's your most traumatic childhood experience?: being abandoned and neglected.
Are you a team player?: Yes, I can be, but my natural tendency is to go solo.
What's your sign and does it fit you?: Aquarius. yea.
do you like your body?: What's not to like, it's mine.
book you read last: 'Bright Red Scream' by Marilee Strong.
fave pair of jeans: yes.
fave article of clothing: Amina's shirt.
fave place to buy clothes: Do you love it? I love it! I got it at Ross. Well, Mervyn's.
dream job: Broadway star
night or day?: Night
coke or pepsi?: Pepsi, but only diet.
number of pillows: three
what are you wearing right now?: Throwing Muses Gut Pageant t-shirt. Throwing Muses is the cat. I am the mouse.
what's next to you on the right?: x-acto knife and my mouse sitting on a mouse pad. Duh!
when do you get up in the morning?: 8:00 to get to work on time.

current mood: durnk
current music: jams with Sadie