Saturday, June 29, 2002

So I had a minor panic at work after 5:00 yesterday. I realized that I had five cases that could be filed by next Wednesday, and therefore needed to be filed by next Wednesday. I prepared one set of forms right away and it took 30-40 minutes. I got to work today and casually banged out the other four. They are now with boss-lady to review and I'm waiting for her to finish so I can send them out for signature.

My wrists are toast. I'm going to do very little else today aside from sending out those forms and sending an e-mail to the HR person to please turn them around quickly. I have tendinitis in my right wrist and it started acting up lately. I did the whole ergo thing at my work station, and IT gave me two mouses to switch back and forth from whenever it got painful. I can also now have mouse wars with myself. I'm surprised I haven't broken anything here yet.

Q: Are you going to Pride this Sunday?
A: What do I have to be proud of? I'm hetero.

current soundtrack: "Quadrophenia" - The Who