Friday, June 07, 2002

I had a meeting today with Debra, Jose, Ms. Case Manager (who was fine), and boss-lady to discuss a client. How things have changed. Debra, Jose, and I used to be on Ritu's team together. We were pretty chummy back then. I had forgotten. Well, the meeting was boring and it degraded into chatting and talking about incidents from long ago.

I had forgotten how fun it used to be to work here and how many hilarious moments and people there were. Debra brought up one incident that had me laughing and crying uncontrollably. We used to be close like that. Even Ms. Case Manager reverted into her normal personality and had us in stitches, reminding me why we hung out so much until she became all high and mighty.

Things change. Things fall apart. By Chinua Achebe. What can you do?