Tuesday, April 22, 2003

How my blogging habits have changed since I quit my job and split my personality into two weblogs and chased everyone who came here over there. This weblog had reached a nice level of . . . regularity? It was nice. But I don't regret doing what I did, taking it apart, making this weblog darker than it was, trying to be more honest (read: darker), having my other one being hideously bo-ring.

No, what blogging has become fits what's been happening, increased isolation, less fun and frivolity (yay!), even my weblog reading habits are in search of something of substance, something real, something being said, not just entertaining or vapid. Not that I'm creating what I'm looking for . . . but that's why I'm looking for it. Writings that just go a bit deeper into life, not meaning philosophical, but even just an appreciation for one's experience. But making me laugh still doesn't hurt.