Friday, April 25, 2003

The Sea Watches:
Through the window of public transportation, I see a cross-section of life and humanity that I don't see otherwise. Why can't I just live a normal life so I can be like that someday? Elderly. Hobbling along with a cane. Perhaps with my wife of 40 or 50 odd years. Wrinkled face. Thick glasses. Why can't I wish that upon myself someday?

It's the rituals and community that make the hardships of life bearable year after year after year. Those are the glue. Moments of joy and togetherness that make up for the tragedies that pull us apart.

There are no seasonal rituals in modern American life that haven't been commercialized. There is no community that exists for survival purposes. No, we've replaced the need for meaningful ritual and community with our small circle of friends, social status, trendiness, social competition . . . It's alright. Whatever gets you through to the next day is alright. As long as it has meaning.