Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Reading sites like this make me feel like I'm not suicidal at all. That shit is really twisted and tragic. Well, I don't think I'm twisted, and I'm certainly not tragic. I'm a fricking poseur.

It made me realize that my attitude towards death, including suicide, is that it is sacred. It's a sacred space. It should be meditated upon and approached and appreciated with reverence. Very much like life. Being mindful of death is being mindful of life. With a healthy attitude, the opposite is true.

Of course what's written up on a web page is not the real thing and doesn't reflect anything about what an individual went through. If the suicides seemed cavalier and disaffected, that could be the result of the writer's subjective bias or reporting style.

And reading about people succeeding in what I've failed at over and over again won't distract me from my path. . . whether to do it or not do it.

June 9, 1997 - Monks on the Beach, Thailand