Friday, February 03, 2006

Cultivating awareness of the mind and the reality of existence. If we cultivate a living hell and live a tormented life, that is what is familiar in the death between states, and what we gravitate towards in being reborn. 

If our karma places us in a living hell, but we are able to cultivate a positive outlook because of circumstances, that can affect how the straits of the death between states are navigated, and lead us to be reborn in a not-so-tormented life. 

Do I really believe in this? Maybe. But there are many people who don't believe in this. However, if we can all agree that we are here, and that we are striving for something better, regardless of the specifics of what we believe in, then it doesn't hurt to cultivate positive thoughts, awareness of the mind, and the reality of existence. 

I guess that's not even true. Some people, because of what they believe in, feel compelled to cause suffering to other people, either by killing them or trying to convince them that what they believe in is wrong.