Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I know what I said, but I'm a liiiar: 
Besides, after driving my parents to the airport yesterday, I'm looking at three weeks with almost zero human contact until I get to the monastery. So unless you want to hear about and decipher my imaginary friends, and you really don't, let me rant what I rant. And since I'm monastery-bound, it just happens to be religion on my brain and why it sucks in general. 

Like faith. Isn't faith supposed to be about something intangible; that you can't prove or argue; that you can't convince someone else of with objective, empirical evidence? Otherwise it's not faith, it's reality. So why are there people who go about like their faith is reality and get all in everybody else's face about it? 

It seems to me that faith should make people humble and quiet about it since it is something that is intangible. How can you convince someone else of something when you have no evidence of it? If you found something intangible to have faith in, great, but the true test of faith is when you can shut up about it. Other people will find it if they were meant to. Show some faith. 

And that includes me. I don't even know who I'm ranting about anyway. My brother doesn't try to convert me. My sister-in-law (wife of my other brother) is what most people probably are, the opposite of what I'm ranting about; that is, she's apparently very religious but you wouldn't know it. Heck, my brother barely knows about it. I think he's kind of agnostic, but I don't know, I haven't asked him.

And people's blogs are people's blogs, they can write whatever they want, and if they're gonna write about their faith, why shouldn't they write about it as concrete? 

I'm closer to a concrete plan. I'm now thinking I won't take a train across the country, leaving on the 25th or 26th, to go to the monastery. Flying is just as cheap if not cheaper, so I think I'll just fly to San Diego the day I'm supposed to arrive, which is looking like October 29, and then take buses to Escondido and then walk or take a taxi to the monastery.