Saturday, January 13, 2007

I'm rebelling against these allergies. I decided today to not take any precautions against them; turned off the air filter, left off the mask, didn't take any allergy pills. I'm still suspecting these allergies are psychological.

I was trying to hammer it into my subconscious yesterday that even if my allergies clear up, I will move. I'm thinking my subconscious either wants me to go back to the U.S. or move. Me and my subconscious need a better way of communicating.

I slept nine hours without a mask, after going out last night to a music club for the first time since coming to Taipei almost a year ago. It was a benefit show for a local musician who lost everything in a fire. He's a Stevie Ray Vaughan fanatic and even goes by the moniker, "Stevie Ray".

Stevie Ray Vaughan, of course, is one of my guitar heroes, and I don't even consider myself a guitarist. Anyone besmirching Stevie Ray Vaughan's legend by co-opting his name and/or image would usually get a besmirk from me. But I felt it's been too long since I did something for someone else.

Anyway, I woke up about noon and my allergies were clear. That is, until I decided to sweep. I'm wondering if constantly sweeping is keeping the allergens airborne.

I had one of those days today when everyone seems to get in my way, it's like I'm not there. Some people even seemingly inching into my path as I got closer.

I thought about molecules. These are molecules interacting. Who knows the history of my molecules and their molecules? Who knows how they're reacting on a quantum level that leads to my bizarre subjective appraisal of what's happening? People intentionally getting in my way?

Is that really a stupid thought? My molecules, your molecules. Do they interact in ways we have no idea? I dunno, that may be too way out there even for me.