Thursday, December 18, 2003

Haha, well I hope this broke the funk I was in.

I did buy a bike used, but wasn't so happy with it, so I ended up "giving it away", within three days of acquiring it.

I'm really not one to regret decisions and I regretted buying this bike, and for things I acquire, I really have to love. Like my guitars, my A bike, my drums, and even my ex-car when it came right down to it, I'm not sure what I mean, but I "loved" those things.

I did regret buying this bike, and I didn't think I would ever grow to love it for one reason or another. I have nothing negative about the person who has it now, I hope he's happy with whatever he does with it. I feel lighter, so I thank him.

I read an interesting passage today on compassion and the Buddhist conception of the relationship between people, using an analogy of our hands.

When our left hand receives money, the right hand doesn't feel jealous, envious, or angry. If our left hand is on fire, the right hand doesn't hesitate to act to put it out, it doesn't think of the danger to itself, the left hand is itself.

It's a hard one, but I sort of get it. Even harder to put into practice since I have an aversion to physical contact with other people, but making physical contact with any other human being should be easy as holding one hand in the other. Depending on the circumstance, I'm sure I can overcome my aversion. Perhaps I wouldn't even think about it.