Saturday, March 30, 2002

I'm having the weird kind of day where I just want to laugh. Unload accumulated bad vibes. Be pleasant to people and laugh a lot. It feels kind of forced, but no, the funny stuff is indeed funny. OK, it's funny, but maybe not as funny as my laughter is suggesting. But it doesn't matter if the laugh is greater in degree than the funny, because it's just one of those days where it feels good to laugh, even if there wasn't anything funny. But fortunately there are funny people here, or else I'd just look crazy. And we can't have that happening. I hope I'm not laughing just to keep from going crazy.

Q: You wanna get falafel?
A: No, I don't eat anything with "awful" in its name.

Joycee factoid of the day: Is too YOUNG to know who the "Y" is in CSN&Y.