Saturday, December 02, 2006

Damn! It started raining this Saturday morning. Good thing I didn't head out for a ride at dawn like I was considering. I waste too much time perusing Taipei maps, thinking of where to ride.

I woke up at 2:00, pretty late, but reasonable considering I went to sleep after six yesterday. I sat for 45 minutes and then continued with Chapter 11 of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. One thing I choose to change during recitations of Chapter 11 is the reference to "you", as if I'm reciting to someone else. I usually change the pronoun to "us" and "we". Again, I don't know why I do these things, I don't know why I even think of these things. Maybe it's because I think of why I'm even doing this.

I keep the "you" pronoun when it's in the imperative or if it doesn't make sense to change it to the inclusive pronoun. Part of the idea is recognition that it's pretention to think I'm reciting this for someone else, it's more for myself, a metaphorical interpretation for me for living. Part of it is recognition that I'm reciting this, but I will be there, too. Five to one, baby, one in five, no one here gets out alive. We all do this, we all do this together. Part of it is subscribing to the concept that there is no separation between "you" and "me". I'm reciting this for the recently deceased, but that recently deceased is not separate from me.

It's raining. It's raining the weekend before classes start. There are no words to describe how much Taipei weather sucks donkey balls and uses donkey ass hair to floss.