Thursday, December 14, 2006

My suggested theory of consciousness, with absolutely no grounding or backing, so it is arbitrary, is inspired by this mysterious thing scientists in the astronomical field call "dark energy". They postulate it comprises about 75% of what the universe is made up of. How they came up with this and why they think this is scientific theory is unadulterated human arrogance. In 500 years, science will have progressed to believe this is all wrong.

But I digress.

It's not really a theory, it's just a loose concept inspired by this energy pervading the universe that we have no idea about, but is so powerful that it is not only the cause of the universe's expansion, but also the acceleration of that expansion. That acceleration is based on scientific observation, but theories stemming from scientific astronomical observation have also been known to be wrong.

Maybe the observations are right, maybe they are faulty. Maybe they are jumping to conclusions based on those observations. Maybe they're dead-on right. But not even our truths stay the same is what I'm saying.

The idea I'm playing with is that our consciousness on earth, those of all metabolizing sentient beings on earth, not just human, is the materialized form of something naturally occuring in nature, something like this dark energy.

Our physical lives and the evolution of life on earth can be traced back through a progression of circumstances, organic compounds, and chemical reactions, etc. That's physical life.

Through it all, there was the building blocks of something else, something intangible, but completely interrelated, interbeing, with the evolution of physical life. It likewise evolved into consciousness. Our consciousness is formed by dark energy or something like it the same way our bodies are formed by organic compounds, molecules, atoms.

When we're done with our bodies, it breaks down and goes back to a more basic form. Maybe so does our consciousness. It washes back to some intangible, naturally occuring energy in the universe. The energy exists throughout the universe, so in that form, "our consciousness" exists throughout the universe. It's one, it's totality, no separation.

It has nothing to do with gods or will or buddhas, those are just labels people put on insight into this. Even this can be considered a scientific sounding attempt at what is really just religious mumbo-jumbo.

But something about planets where life and consciousness develop. Our molecules recycle, but maybe so does the energy of our consciousness. Maybe it's the shock of consciousness that keeps the energy on the same planet, maybe it's the karmic habituation of consciousness, that once it materializes on one planet, it basically stays there because that's all it knows exists.

Once you turn on the light to the room and see the contents, you can't just turn the light off and go back to the state where you had no idea what was there and can imagine that anything is there. You now have a concrete idea what is there.

And that's why some metaphysical/spiritual orders speak of past lives and reincarnation.

Um, that's all.