Wednesday, May 14, 2003

A couple weeks ago, she asked, I answered. Then she asked, "Do you still do it?". I said no, I thought I had stopped, it had been a couple months I think. A long time.

But the nature of a habit looms, and the temptation arises, but I know I can't. I'm already concerned about running a race this Sunday and meeting up with friends and ex-coworkers at the end. I haven't worn running shorts and t-shirt in four years, much less been seen in them, much less been seen in them by people I know. I'm still formulating the responses to their inquiries so that I don't have to answer them.

Must resist until after Sunday. Maybe by then the temptation will be gone. Either way.

More than this, more than this
So much more than this
There is something else there
When all that you had has all gone
And more than this, I stand feeling so connected
And I'm all there, right next to you

- "More Than This (Peter Gabriel)