Friday, May 09, 2003

I read that Sylvia Plath never let an idea go to waste. If she had an idea, she would work it until it was thoroughly exhausted. If she couldn't get a table, she would make a chair. If she couldn't make the chair, she would make a stool, etc. Is that more art or is it more craft?

No matter, it sounded good to me. Being neither artist nor craftsperson, I decided to give it a go, and I'm going through a bunch of past 4-track snippets, and if something catches my ear, I'm gonna try working it until it's exhausted, working as many variations as possible on guitar, bass, and drum machine.

I don't need to do this. I don't need to write songs. I have nothing to say. I'm only doing this out of habit; it's just what I've been trying to do for god knows how long. At this point, it feels more important to go through the process of "writing" than to come up with anything written.