Friday, May 30, 2003

It's been 11 days since I've seen anyone I know. I think it messes with my mind, but it also might be the hot-cold weather. Mostly the cold part of it. I've surprisingly reverted to a streak of an old habit, but I'm not sure if it's related. It could just be coincidence. The habit had just become habit, not related to any particular mood, and I've recently gone on long spans of time avoiding it.

In general, I think everything is just fine. Nothing can go wrong. Nothing can go wrong anymore. I feel my slate is being cleaned and my existence is being erased from the inside out.

My mind is most characterized by impulsiveness, and I just do whatever I want moment to ADD moment, but that's OK. That's the way it should be.

If I don't get out of the apartment all day, or if I don't work on anything constructive and watch DVDs all day, I don't feel bad about wasting a day. What is this wasting a day? There is no wasting days, they are my days, and I don't consider them a waste. Anymore.