Thursday, July 20, 2006

It's only natural that we get stupid. Men are biologically programmed to get stupid when an issue involves women. 

It was supposed to be over yesterday. We were done with the bike thing. She's already gone over and beyond what could possibly be expected of a complete stranger, even within Korean culture. 

So how did it happen today, when she didn't even ask or suggest to me to go along with her to one more bike shop, it was just assumed that I was going? She didn't question it, I didn't question it, she wasn't surprised I was going, I wasn't surprised I was going. 

But when the group broke after lunch, that person went that way, those people went that way, and it was just us, her and me. We were going to this one more bike shop. I'm so stupid. 

And it was truly stupid, me with a major test tomorrow, and having assumed I would have all afternoon and evening to study. Instead, I went with her and came home later than any time this past week. 

But it's not an issue. This is not an issue. 

I even burst the bubble over dinner by mentioning her boyfriend. It was one thing for her to mention him, it's just a fact, but for me to mention him was acknowledgement. Fact received. That was followed up by her receiving a call from him when we were on the train, done for the day. I heard her say she was going to his house. 

This is not an issue. This is not a problem. We are simply having fun, and as long as I'm enjoying the time with her, I'm going to have fun. Being stupid is part of the game plan. When it's over, it'll be over. 

This is not an issue. This is not a problem. Yes, I'm studying Mandarin, but I'm not going to stress about tests, or grades, or improvement. I'm going to live my life. When it's over, it'll be over. 

iTunes soundtrack: 
1. Sometimes (My Bloody Valentine) 
2. Four Damaged Lemons (Blonde Redhead) 
3. Virginia Woolf (Indigo Girls) 
4. Bodies (Smashing Pumpkins) 
5. Je Reviens (Autour de Lucie) 
6. You're a Good Man, Albert Brown (Curse You, Red Barrel) (Dukes of Stratosphear) 
7. Tiger Rising (Mary Timony) 
8. When I'm Gone (Brenda Holloway) 
9. Misty Morning (Yuko Hara) 
10. Vamos (The Pixies)