Sunday, October 19, 2003

Craig’s list suicide note, response #24, lightly edited:

Date: 2003-09-25, 3:12PM

I honestly don't think that this is real. I think it is just something to get all of you logged on tomorrow, waiting to see how it was done, waiting to see IF it was done. But that is just me. And if it is real, hey, that is his thing, more power to him. He is one of the weak (well-spoken weak, at least), and we all know that the world needs less of that. I personally believe that a person that would sit here and advertise the fact that he is going to kill himself, and let people have little flashbacks of their personal experiences with loved ones, is a fucking nut job and should rid the world of his/her presence. Good luck to you, man. Sleep well 6 feet under, or may your ashes float in the wind for a long time. Take it sleazy.

This response is so dispassionate and cynical that it’s a wonder why he even bothered to post a response. Posting on Craig’s List is pretty easy, but it isn’t exactly instant messaging, you have to jump through some hoops.

He states that he doesn’t think it’s a real suicide, and at first he doesn't seem to have a very strong opinion either way, but then he not only proceeds to respond as if it were real, but all he has to offer is misanthropy and disdain. It’s ironic because this is the kind of person that makes a suicide feel good about leaving. You might even hope that it would be this kind of person who rids the world of his/her presence. But that wouldn’t be right, would it?