Sunday, October 05, 2003

Response #6, similar to #5, but not as disarming:

Date: 2003-09-25, 11:03AM

Maybe you should think it over more. You are 32 years old. Statistically you have only lived around 1/3 of your life. Find it in yourself to accept life. Weird shit happens that you can never control. And you cannot improve anyone else's life if they don't want it. Just take care that you don't treat yourself and other people like shit. It's the most you can authentically do.

My prescription for you is as follows: kung-fu dancing, making soup, flying kites, watching animals, reading books, playing music, and hearing little kids' laughter.

Dr. Oblivion

Obviously not a serious response, just a smattering of well-intentioned clichés, and the good doctor's Prescription is cute. A reasonable anonymous response to an anonymous suicide note.