Thursday, October 16, 2003

Suicide note response #18, heavily edited for spelling, grammar, and syntax:

Date: 2003-09-25, 12:36PM

Notice how everyone who had someone close to them die, are such ANGRY mother fuckers. Please don’t take your anger out on this confused person - it is not going to bring back your loved ones. Imagine if your father had written a post like that, then some asshole told him how much of an asshole he was, and to fuck off!! Imagine that, he would have probably done it sooner. INSTEAD, GIVE REASONS TO LIVE, you mean, heartless assholes.

I, myself, will be of minimal help in this department, because I am not too happy myself. But just get in a car and drive, the beauty of this state makes me feel better every time I see it. You have to remember, if you kill yourself, you are not hurting yourself, you are hurting everyone who loves you.

And that last guy who posted, with the .44, that was a great guy. Such a good outlook, he's a fighter. That is someone who I can take strength from. I am a guy and I don’t say this about other men very much. but he is really a great person, and a really cool dude.

Hm, I guess this is more a response to the other responses than a response to the suicide note. But I think a suicide can indirectly get something from this note. Not the banal cliché portions of going for a drive and hurting everyone who loves him, and not the patronizing prejudice against suicides implied in calling him "this confused person," but just what he’s expressing to the other response writers. That’s pretty positive.