Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Suicide is not for everyone, and I certainly don't condone it without strict prerequisites. Foremost, if you don't believe in reincarnation, don't try it. Because then this life really is the only chance you'll get. Make it worth something for christsake. I would also counsel against suicides inspired by an immediate situation or crisis. If you can point to a specific reason you are reacting to, don't try it.

There are things I'll miss in failing to commit suicide. I'll miss the sense of closure. I'll miss the exuberance and ecstasy of feeling I've made it; that I've gotten to the end intact and in pretty good shape. I'll miss being able to reflect on my life and taking stock over my proud and happy moments, and actively letting them go, which we all have to do eventually anyway.

I'll miss having a good cry (more likely a good snotty bawl) over leaving and saying goodbye to this body and this life that I've naturally grown to call home all these years. This body and this life have been a good shell to me, warm and comfortable *pats body on its head portion*. This life including all the people in it.

No, instead I'll leave it to fate, with death an unpredictable unknown. My health will decline and I'll continue to struggle day in-day out, year in-year out, with mundane problems of financing my life, entertaining my life, and maintaining my lifestyle, although there will be continued moments of enriching my life and educating my life. I've got all the time in the world.

Always carry on. The love of my life leaves me, carry on. Someone I love, or someone I know dies, carry on. Hate my parents, carry on. Get sick, carry on. Get hit by an SUV, carry on. Lose or quit my job, carry on. Get old, carry on; life changes, carry on. Be offended by the morons who condemn suicide and think they know what life's about, carry on. Get lonely and isolated, carry on. Carry on until death hits out of the blue, or not so out of the blue, but in declining misery.

I wish suicide were for me. Dying would be such an adventure. Death is the only adventure.