Friday, August 02, 2002

Another article about blogging.

Again, the question of what are we doing? Why blog? I found the categorization of blogs interesting. Instead of asking ourselves what are we doing, we're totally free game for people to read our blogs and be categorized from the outside: what are they doing? Is it a political blog? Is it a sports blog? An "everyday minutiae" blog? A pithy observation and insight into everday life blog? An arts & culture blog? A creative expose blog?

It's actually kind of offensive. *getting on soapbox* It's the same categorization and pigeon-holing that society uses to dehumanize us by simplifying us into a subset of words and descriptions that completely misses the point of our "big picture" that we feel we are when we post entries.

When I'm described as "Asian" in this country, I feel deep in my gut that something is missing in that descriptive. And when I'm abroad and called "American", there's something missing there, too. It also misses our own values that go into valid descriptives. I don't mind being called a drummer, bassist, runner (former), or cyclist, but don't call me a lawyer, even though I technically am one by virtue of having a JD.

Ironically, at the same time that it bothers me that someone else might be categorizing my weblog without knowing a stitch about me, it strikes me like a bolt of lightning what category I would personally place my weblog.

This is a mental health weblog. Regardless of what I'm posting on a daily basis, the subtext to whatever I express is my mental health and its subtle, ongoing deterioration. I don't know when it started. Probably before I first dealt with the mental health system when I started high school, but definitely since then, everything that has been my expression has been sourced in mental health issues.

I've got a pretty good front and fight going on, but the inevitable is just that. You can't run away from yourself forever. But I love it how running away is simultaneously killing me and keeping me alive. Story of my life. *gets off soapbox and twiddles thumbs*